Tuesday, January 31, 2012

TLRP - Teacher Preparation

The area that stuck out to me described in the Texas Long Range Plan is the Educator Preparation and Development. This area discusses how students today learn differently than we did. Ways students learn is different than just two or three years ago. As students are becoming more familiar with technology before they come to school, teachers need to prepare themselves to use the technology to teach the students. We can’t teach the students the way we were taught. That is not how society is now. I believe our campus and the state is doing their best in preparing teachers to use technology to teach the 21st century learners. However, I feel like instructors are spending too much time teaching us how to use the technology instead of teaching how to use the technology in the classroom. In the rare cases that they do teach us how to use technology in the classroom, there is no time given to practice or get familiar with how to implement the idea in the classroom. It seems like it’s just here it is. Good luck. I do not believe this is done on purpose. I do realize that everyone is pressed for time and it always seems like there is no time for anything. However, if technology is where everything is going and it’s expected to be done, let’s do it right. I can only speak for my campus, but my recommendation is to set up frequent times to discuss technology in the classroom. It cannot be a once a semester or even twice a semester get together. I suggest once a week. If too much time passes by, then it’s forgotten. When teachers feel confident using the technology and then implementing ideas on how to use the technology in the classroom, then everyone benefits. Students are engaged in the lesson, and the teacher feels like he/she is reaching the 21st century learners.

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