Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Web Conference Reflection

The web conference that I attended was Sunday February 12th. For the most part, during the conference, we waited for people to arrive and then as people arrived, we introduced ourselves and told everyone what district we taught at and what subject we teach. Throughout the web conference, I learned through discussion with the people there, what the difference between web 1.0 and web 2.0 was. Web 1.0 is more like a pdf. Just read what I’ve posted. There is no interaction. With web 2.0, you bring in the interactive element and the collaboration element. I also learned from Dr. Abernathy that web 3.0 is in the works of being developed. Another thing I learned from the web conference was that I had to be ILD trained. I had never heard of ILD training before, nor did I know that it cost money. Therefore, I put this on my to-do list to complete during my graduate study. Aside from what I learned, the rest of the time was spent helping other classmates out with questions that they had. I was able to help someone with their TK20 portfolio in regards to the transition between EPIC and TK20. Overall, the web conference was shorter than I expected and less formal. I thought it would have been more organized than it was. Nonetheless, I learned something from it and I was able to help others, which I’m sure is the primary goal of the web conference.

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